Abigail & Sally's story

Sally has a severe physical disability and is unable to speak.

Unfortunately Sally’s father wasn’t able to cope with her disabilities and turned to drugs.

For their own safety Abigail, (Sally’s mum) left taking Sally with her.

After taking increasing amounts of time off work to care for Sally, Abigail was forced to resign from her job.

She sold most of her possessions in a desperate bid to meet Sally’s medical costs and living expenses – she even put their dog on Gumtree as she could no longer afford to keep him – but even this couldn’t save them from eviction.

Scared, with no money, no support and no-where to live, Abigail and Sally soon found themselves in a boarding house with odd people wandering around and mould growing in the room. They even had to visit the local pool for clean showers. Sally’s health got worse and Abigail’s stress increased.

Alone, desperate and having lost everything Abigail and Sally walked through Windermere’s doors. Windermere paid Abigail’s debt arrears so she could get bond assistance from the Office of Housing, and secured a private rental for her and Sally.

As a dedicated and loving mother, Sally has always been Abigail’s number one priority, but they do struggle financially and Christmas is a luxury they simply can’t afford.

If you wish to help someone like Abigail and Sally, then consider making a tax deductible donation today.

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My (Windermere) counsellor has been one of the most important supports I have had throughout this whole process. She is amazing. I now see things from a completely different perspective.

I am on the lookout now too - next time I am in a relationship, I will be able to recognise the signs of domestic violence and I won’t let myself get stuck in that sort of position again.”

Witness, Royal Commission into Family Violence - Melbourne 

The amazing opportunity I got coming into the Windermere house and the 100% that I put into the program, has given me and my son a roof over our head and a second chance at a normal life.

Resident, Mums & Bubs Program - Melbourne

Resilience for Life has been nothing short of wonderful for me, and enormously empowering. I am feeling so much more optimistic and confident in myself, my driving and taking care of my husband.

Prue, Program Participant - Melbourne