Our vision is for a stronger, connected and more supported community

Since our beginning, we have worked with our local and broader community in order to enable us meet our objectives. The following partners are essential to the work we do and ensure we can help as many individuals, families’ and children as we possibly can. We acknowledge the impact they make to Windermere and are grateful for their ongoing support and contribution of the work we do.


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We also thank the following organisations who make a difference to our community through their generous support.

Would you like to know more about becoming a Windermere partner?

Please call the Fundraising Team on 1300 946 337 or email fundraising@windermere.org.au.


Learning in a step by step process that we have to follow, we can’t reach the last step without stepping the first step. If we as educators succeed in building trust and connectivity then learning is fun. “To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today”.

Naeve, Windermere Early Childhood Educator - Melbourne