Dandenong & District Aborigines Co-operative Ltd (DDACL)

The DDACL delivers a number of programs as part of our Communities for Children initiative.

The DDACL deliver gender-specific and culturally-tailored ‘Boys on the Bounce’ program. DDACL uses an empowerment model through facilitation by Aboriginal workers. 



DDACL was established by families in the local area who saw the need to provide support for the growing Koori community. The service has adapted over the years to meet the changing needs of local Aboriginal people. DDACL have first-hand knowledge of issues affecting the local Aboriginal community and take a flexible, culturally sensitive approach to all services. DDACL ensure all of their programs and service responses have a strong cultural component and strive to remain accessible to the community.

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Please call the Community Partnerships & Marketing Team on the main switch or email cpmteam@windermere.org.au.


The amazing opportunity I got coming into the Windermere house and the 100% that I put into the program, has given me and my son a roof over our head and a second chance at a normal life.

Resident, Mums & Bubs Program - Melbourne