Katie's story

Katie is a mother of two young children who suffers from severe post natal depression, mental health issues and desperate feelings of isolation.

Katie’s husband left the family home after struggling to work full time, looking after the children and deal with the stress of Katie’s volatile mental illness.

Katie, alone with her two children, was unable to work and is now faced additional financial pressure to cover extra rental expenses. Her health suffered as a result.

Windermere provided Katie with support through counselling, housing and referrals to other necessary expertise. This allowed Katie to meet practical challenges, such as a place to live, as well as better manage her mental issues.

If you wish to help someone like Katie, then consider making a tax deductible donation today.


(Through Kids on Track) I learnt more about how drugs and alcohol affect our bodies. I don't want to end up the same way as Dad so I can now care for my body and make better decisions than what he did. 

Grade 6 Student, Program Participant - Cranbourne

Resilience for Life has been nothing short of wonderful for me, and enormously empowering. I am feeling so much more optimistic and confident in myself, my driving and taking care of my husband.

Prue, Program Participant - Melbourne

An Afternoon of Wellness was an inspiring event. To hear from people whose lives have been turned around is wonderful. 

Jane, Event Attendee - Melbourne