Help your child settle into new routines

It’s a new year and that can mean a new school, new class, new kinder or new childcare! Here are some practical things you can do to assist your young ones to settle in.

1. Have consistent routines

Aim to create a regular routine on the days your child is attending school or care. This will help your child to know what to expect as well and assist them to develop their independence skills. You might like to develop special good bye words or a hello hug that you share together. A quick “Goodbye, I love you and I will see you after lunch,” might be all you need to say. If possible, during this time of transition try to keep daily routines, such as sleep and meal times

2. Relax

In the first few weeks as you adjust to a new routine you may want to slow down and relax your schedule. This might mean temporarily stopping extra activities, for example, holding off on Saturday sport.

3. Favourite friends

Many children find it reassuring to take a favourite toy with them to their place of care. This might be a soft toy that stays in the bag (your child can go and cuddle it for reassurance when they need to)
or an object they can take out and hold during the day. Sometimes children even enjoy showing their teachers, educators and carers their favourite toys too.

4. Talk with your teachers and educators

Chat with your teachers and educators about any concerns. Often they can help you with suggestions and will be able to update you about how your child is coping.


Do you need to organise childcare? We have limited places available at our home based Family Day Care across South East Melbourne and regional Victoria. Find out more about Our Approach to Childcare.