Prepare for your next NDIS plan reassessment meeting


Your NDIS Plan reassessment, previously termed plan review, is an important part of your NDIS journey. We answer some frequently asked questions to help you make the most of an NDIS reassessment meeting and ensure your plan best meets your needs.

1. What is an NDIS plan reassessment and how often does it occur?

Every NDIS plan includes a scheduled NDIS reassessment date usually every 12 months after the plan start date. This takes place before your plan period concludes. The NDIS reassessment ensures you are receiving relevant support and your needs are being met adequately.

Three months before the assessment, your planner will conduct a "participant check-in" over the phone. Request for a reassessment meeting during the check-in to ensure you get the opportunity to make changes to your plan.

An NDIS plan typically spans 12 months and if a reassessment is not completed prior to the plan end date, the current plan is rolled over or extended for another 12 months.


2. Who conducts the NDIS reassessment meetings?

Your NDIS planner, usually a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or in the case of children under seven, an Early Childhood Early Intervention Partner, conducts the reassessment. For more complex plans, an NDIA planner may be delegated to conduct the assessment.


3. How and when do I start planning for an NDIS reassessment meeting?


In preparation for the reassessment, it’s important to gather as much evidence as possible at least a month before your NDIS reassessment date. Collate all your medical reports and advise your health professionals ahead of time to have reports or supporting letters ready including their recommendations for additional funding.


4.  What takes place during the plan assessment?

Using the available evidence, your planner will appraise how you have been using your funds, what has worked well and what goals you have achieved. The learnings from the assessment will inform how much funding is allocated in the next plan period. If allocated funds have not been utilised, be prepared to explain why they are still required. Your planner may rely purely on the evidence presented and it’s important to communicate circumstances. For instance, being on a waitlist for many months would explain unused funds which you will still need once you gain access to services.

If you are unsatisfied with how your plan is being managed or require a support coordinator or no longer want to self-manage your fund, the assessment presents the opportunity to address your needs.


5. Can anyone else attend the meeting with me?

Anyone can attend the reassessment meeting to support you or advocate for you. If speech or hearing impairments limit your ability to communicate, you have the option of inviting your support persons to the meeting.

Important contacts for communication support:

Translation and Interpretation Service (TIS National) 131 450
For people with hearing or speech loss:
                                   Teletypewriter TTY: 1800 555 677
                                   Speak and Listen: 1800 555 727
                                   Internet relay: National Relay Service website


6. Do I have to wait for the next reassessment if my circumstances have changed?

You can request an unscheduled reassessment meeting at any time to discuss your new circumstances. Changed circumstances can include needing more treatment after further assessment of your disability or needing more support at a new job or at a new place of residence. Your request may be accepted or declined, or you may be asked to wait until the scheduled reassessment if the plan is nearing the end date.

Learn more about change of circumstance here.


7. I am not happy with my current plan, what do I do?

If you are not happy with the plan you have received after the first planning meeting, you may call for an ‘internal review of decision’ and provide further evidence to show that you require more funding.  If the goals set in your plan are incorrect and you need to amend them, you can request for a ‘plan variation’ to vary the plan without going through a full reassessment.

For more information on requesting a review of decision visit here.


8. What happens if I miss the scheduled reassessment meeting?


NDIA will attempt to contact you one more time, failing which your case will be closed and you will have to reapply for NDIS.


9. What happens after a reassessment?

At the reassessment meeting ask your planner how to access your new plan from the NDIS participant portal. You could also request for an electronic PDF copy to be emailed to you. It’s important to send the new plan to your plan manager and support coordinator so that they are working off the latest version of the plan.

Find out more about NDIS plan reassessment here.