Tailored NDIS support: expert services for your needs

Anne and Mark care for their adult daughter Rebecca who has complex needs due to cerebral palsy, visual impairment, anxiety and an intellectual disability*. While NDIS funded supports are vital to Rebecca’s everyday functions, Anne and Mark continue to provide daily support including overnight care.

Streamlined support: we work together to support you

At present Anne and Mark access both Plan Management and Support Coordination services from not for profit Windermere to effectively manage Rebecca’s care needs.

Plan Manager Olga and Support Coordinator Charlotte have been working closely with Anne and Mark for several years. Choosing both services from Windermere has allowed a collaborative approach to streamline processes and minimise any lapses in coordinating support for Rebecca.

“Although we have good relationships with services from other organisations, delays are minimised when working with services within Windermere. The way we deliver services through one dedicated person is also beneficial as I only need to reach out to Charlotte and iron out any issues quickly,” says Olga.

As the Plan Manager, Olga handles all the financial administration tasks involved in managing Rebecca’s NDIS fund including ensuring invoices are paid on time and correctly, keeping track of NDIS funds and fulfilling all reporting requirements.

“Even if I’m away from work for any reason, Anne knows that she can reach out to Olga with questions or concerns. So, she always has the support and guidance from us,” says Charlotte.


Timely and dedicated support: we work toward the best outcomes

Navigating the NDIS can often be overwhelming for many. This is particularly true with complex needs where multiple supports are needed. Any disruptions to services can pose challenges and risks for individuals like Rebecca who rely on support for daily needs.

When NDIS introduced a new computer system, PACE, the changeover resulted in delays. It was at a juncture when Rebecca’s plan was due for renewal. Despite paperwork being submitted ahead of schedule to avoid delays, the process hit a roadblock due to issues with the new system.

Faced with the prospect of running out of funds and receiving no response on the status of their NDIS plan, Anne and Mark were left worried and frustrated.

Olga and Charlotte continually remained in contact with the NDIS and supported Anne to present to an NDIS office to hand in reports and escalate the review process.  Working in tandem also helped to alleviate the risk of disruption to services.

“It was about having open communication. I would reach out to the NDIS planner to confirm that we could continue with Core Supports and give Olga that information so that she could make manual claims to the NDIS. This meant that Rebecca didn’t go without support,” explains Charlotte. 

This communication also ensured that service providers were aware of the circumstances.

“Whatever Charlotte relayed to me, I would relay that back to the provider so they are aware of any delays in payments and that services could continue. Knowing that we were all on the same page working together, alleviated a lot of stress for Anne and Mark.” 

Best efforts put forward to have Rebecca’s NDIS plan renewed paid off with the plan renewed along with increase in funds for several vital supports. As parents and caregivers who are knowledgeable about the NDIS and often advocate for Rebecca’s need, Anne and Mark are grateful for the timely support.

“Thank you, Olga and Charlotte for all your hard work and dedication. Rebecca’s plan was approved after a very long battle. They both took the time out of their day to keep contacting the NDIS as well as the NDIA to ensure that Rebecca would not be out of funding or at risk,” says Anne.

Choice and control: We understand your needs

Through years of caring for Rebecca, Anne and Mark are well-versed in the NDIS and managing support needs as required. When delivering Support Coordination services Charlotte understands the level of support they require and the importance of choice and control.

Charlotte provides Support Coordination services at the pace and degree Anne and Mark require to best meet Rebecca’s complex needs.

“It’s about adjusting how we support based on what Anne and Mark thinks is best, not how we think they should be supported."

"I don’t try to overreach. I provide guidance when needed and that’s something they appreciate,” adds Charlotte.

Anne and Mark also trialled self-managing the plan instead of using Plan Management services. It wasn’t long before they returned to Windermere’s Plan Management services. 

“I helped Anne transition from Plan Managed to Self Managed as they wanted to try their hand at it. At the time they were already self-managing a small portion of the plan for consumables and felt it was something they could do more of,” says Olga.

Given Rebecca’s complex needs and their hands-on approach to caring for Rebecca, the switch to self-management proved to be an overwhelming undertaking for Anne and Mark. In a matter of a few months, they reached out to Olga to enlist her services again. 


Reliable and reputed: NDIS is a journey we take with you

One of the important aspects of providing tailored support is the knowledge and trust Olga and Charlotte have gained over several years of supporting Anne and Mark. Building this relationship and having knowledge of their needs and experiences enhance the quality of service.

“When we build relationships with individuals or families, we become part of their team."

"Especially when it comes to complex needs like Rebecca’s, Anne and Mark don’t have to repeat details or explain as we are familiar with what’s been going on,” says Olga. 

Staying on top of spending and timely communication also helped relieve stress for Anne and Mark knowing that their NDIS plan is being taken care of.

“Periodic check-ins with Anne and ensuring that there’s no overspending before it becomes something to worry puts them at ease knowing that we are on top of things without needing to be prompted,” says Olga.

As Anna and Mark still provide overnight support and substantial support during the day for Rebecca, Charlotte and Olga are looking at future planning as well.

“Anne and Mark need an increase in support whether that’s housing support or more support within the family home. It’s a slow process but we are starting to have those conversations on what that would look like,” explains Charlotte on next steps. 

*Names have been changed to protect privacy

To learn more about our NDIS services call 03 8793 4267 or visit Our NDIS Services page.