Supporting parent and families to meet their challenges is a fundamental part of what we do. Our aim is to help you become stronger, more resilient and better connected with your community in the process.
Under NDIS Plan Management, your Plan Manager will help take the stress out of managing your finances and the day to day administration of your NDIS plan. Your NDIS Plan Manager provides you with support and security and is also known as a Financial Intermediary.
Find out moreSupport for families who are homeless or facing eviciton.
Find out moreInformation and support for victims of violent crime and trauma in Southern Metropolitan, Gippsland and regions in the East and West metro areas.
Find out moreSupport for families facing issues that are affecting the growth and development of their children and family as a whole.
Find out moreHelping families experiencing family violence plus substance abuse or mental health issues to re-establish themselves and function as a family unit again.
Find out moreHelping people with disability, mental health issues, age or illness and injury to build resilience and independence.
Find out moreSupport for families who are experiencing, or have experienced family violence
Find out moreIf you have experienced trauma or loss as a result of the Victorian bushfires, you can access the Victorian Bushfire Case Support program.
Find out moreOur experienced dietitians will work with you to design a program that: • supports your specific needs • assists you to meet your NDIS goals.
Find out moreConfidential support to help families and individuals manage trauma or difficulties that have arisen following sexual assault or family violence.
Find out moreIf you experienced trauma, damage or loss as a result of the Victorian storms and floods, you can access the Victorian Storm Recovery Support Program.
Find out moreInformation and support for victim survivors of historical institutional childhood sexual abuse in East Gippsland and Southern Metropolitan regions of Victoria.
Find out moreThe Recovery Support Program can provide support for people who have been affected by the Victorian floods.
Find out moreThe Australian Government Communities for Children provides vital funds to Windermere to work with community partners and Cranbourne families who are doing it tough to help them achieve positive change in their lives.
Find out moreWhat: A 7 week program that assists women to identify and understand the dynamics and impact of family violence and understand the meaning of healthy relationships.
Who: Women who have experienced a family violence situation
Where: Face to Face at Windermere Narre Warren Office
A seven week program that Assist women to identify and understand the dynamics and impact of family violence and understand the meaning of healthy relationships. Safety, Trust, Hope, Respect, Love, Equality, Independence, Choice
Find out moreWhat: Kids on Track is an 8 week early intervention program that covers topics such as anxiety and depression, drugs and alcohol, anger management, cyber safety and bullying.
Who: Grade 5 students
Where: Primary schools within Cardinia, Casey, and Greater City of Dandenong
Kids on Track aims to give students the ability to learn positive behaviours in themselves and others, and the skills to make better informed choices so they have the opportunity for a better future.
Find out moreWhat: A 6 week program for women who want practical strategies and support to take control of their anger
Who: Women
Where: Face to Face at Windermere Narre Warren Office
A 6 week program for women who want practical strategies and support to take control of their anger.
Find out moreWhat: A 3 week program to help parents and carers manage difficult behaviour in their kids
Who: Parents or carers with children 2-12yrs
Where: Windermere Narre Warren, 48 Webb Street Narre Warren
A 3 week program to assist parents to manage difficult behaviour in their children by incorporating the use of 1-2-3 Magic techniques. Increase your knowledge about what works in managing difficult behaviour and get better results with less effort and stress.
Find out moreWhat: An feeding group aiming to promote food exposure and assist with picky eating
Who: Parents or carers with children 5-8yrs
Where: Windermere Berwick Office, 26 Parkhill Drive Berwick
An 8-week feeding group aiming to promote food exposure and assist with picky eating in children aged 5-8 years.
Find out moreIf you require an interpreter, we can arrange for one to be provided.