Speak to one of the team today on 1300 WINDERMERE or 1300 946 337 or enquire below.
Windermere are always interested in hearing from you in relation to your experience with us and things we can do to improve your service.
You can provide your feedback to us here.
We love getting feedback and we take all of your feedback very seriously. We have detailed below the complaint process, how we respond to your feedback and how we manage any specific incidents.
You can make your complaint to us, or you can also contact the NDIS commission directly.
You can lodge your complaint with us here or phone us on 1300 946 337.
For complaints about NDIS funded supports and services
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
1800 035 544
For complaints around your NDIS plan, plan reviews and process
NDIA Feedback and Complaints
1800 800 110
For more information you can also visit NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.
If you wish to make a complaint about your experience or anything related to your service, you can either make a complaint yourself or someone else can do this for you. If you need an interpreter to help with making a complaint, we can arrange this for you.
We will acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours or the next business day if the complaint is received out of hours.
Your complaint will be forwarded to the appropriate Windermere person for follow up. This may result in an investigation.
We will listen to you and work with you to resolve your concern as promptly as possible.
You will be advised of your right to complain to the NDIS Commissioner.
If your complaint involves allegations of harm, we may be required to report to the NDIS Commission.
If your looking for a disbaility advocate, you can find one via the Australian government website here.
Windermere has a system for managing NDIS related incidents. This involves responding to immediate needs and risks to contain the situation. You will be involved in this process if appropriate.
We will support and assist you through and post the incident. This may involve linking you with specialist support and an advocate if required.
The details of all incidents and near misses are recorded and reported to management. We log this information on a Risk Register (de-identified to protect your privacy) to inform quality improvement. This helps us to track risks and plan better and safer ways of working with you.
If the incident or allegation is serious or involves the use of an unauthorised restrictive practice (changing behaviour through medication, restraint or seclusion), we must report this to the NDIS Commissioner.
Incidents are examined, reviewed and may be investigated. We track and record actions taken and make sure you are kept informed on progress and outcomes.
You can provide feedback to us online, or speak to someone about our incident management process by phoning 1300 946 337.