Allied Health refers to health professionals who are not doctors, dentists or nurses. Allied health services include speech pathology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychologist and early childhood intervention teachers.
Your NDIS plan includes a statement of your goals and aspirations and the supports required to attain them.
Capacity supports is a category of funding under the NDIS. Capacity supports are designed to develop skill and capacity. This includes therapy and support coordination. Capacity supports can be used flexibly within the support categories. This means if you have $12,000 for early childhood therapy it might be broken down as $10,000 for a keyworker and $2,000 for other allied health care.
Capital supports is a category of funding under the NDIS. It provides funding for the purchase of one-off equipment such as assistive technologies or vehicle modifications.
Funds included for reasonable and necessary supports in approved plans.
NDIS Core support funding assists with daily activities and community participation. They are generally flexible across support categories, although there are some exceptions. For example, if you have a Core Budget of $14,000 you can choose to spend across four categories; $2,000 consumables, $7,000 daily activities, $1,000 for transport and $4,000 for social activities
ECEI Partners (ECIs) are similar to Local Area Coordinators. They assist children aged 0 to 6 years old to access supports under the NDIS.
This is the term used to describe the activities that will be supported by the NDIS to promote the social and economic inclusion of people with disability including people not receiving individualised funded support from the NDIS (formally known as ‘Tier 2’).
The activities include providing:
Keyworkers build the skills and knowledge of parents, carers and other important adults in your child’s life to ensure that they learn and develop with familiar people at home and in the community. They are an important part of every Early Childhood NDIS Plan, and are an Allied Health or Early Educator professional.
Local Area Coordinators are funded by the NDIA to assist people with disability access their supports under the NDIS. This includes:
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency. Their role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) planner. Your NDIA planner works with you to determine your needs and write your NDIS plan.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way of providing support for eligible people with permanent and significant disability, their families and carers.
The NDIS access requirements help determine if you are able to access the NDIS. You may meet the access requirements if:
This is a one-hour session led by our experienced team to walk you through the planning and funding process of the NDIS. It covers how you can prepare and how it will impact you. You will also be able to ask questions.
The NDIA is responsible for monitoring the success of the NDIS. The outcomes framework is the NDIA’s mechanism for measuring success for people with disability and covers areas such as:
Participant outcomes monitor and measure if the goals in your approved plan are being achieved.
Windermere offers preparation and support sessions designed to assist you to prepare for you session with an NDIA planner. They are designed to allow you to identify your needs and aspirations so they can be included in your plan.
Reasonable and necessary supports are funded under the NDIS Act. The NDIA publishes operational guidelines to assist decisions on what is to be deemed a reasonable and necessary support.
Registered service providers have met the NDIS requirements to provide disability services. They meet the appropriate qualifications, approvals, experience, quality standards and capacity for the provision of approved supports of the jurisdiction in which they operate.
Funding supports are managed by the participant and their family.
Support coordination helps participants and their family or support to navigate the NDIS. Windermere is able to provide this service and can help you understand and unpack your plan. We can also assist you to find the right service providers for you.
This is the term used by the NDIA to describe the funding available for an individual’s support plan.
Supports are the assistance that allows a participant to reach their goals, objectives and aspirations, and to undertake activities to enable their social and economic participation in the community.
LACs provide services for people with disability from 7 years to 65 years.