As a valued educator working with Windermere, we've created this Resource Centre to keep you up to date with all the latest information and communications including forms, training, marketing tools, regulations and policies changes and latest newsletters. You will also find all the information and forms you will need for new and existing families.
Below you will find all the latest forms and templates relevant to a family enrolment or commencement.
FDC Enrolment link is here:
We require 48 hours to process enrolments and a delay may occur if the enrolment form is incomplete.
New Emergency Contact / Authorised Nominee form
Provide new and current families with the most up to date fee and levy information.
Note, our family levies differ across each of our regions, so access the right levy for your family.
Ensure you capture the attendance of your children and that parents sign their child(ren) in and out each day. Also make sure that school children are recorded.
If you provide care to families casually, overnight, on the weekend or in the case of emergency you can access all the related information and forms right here.
Non-standard Hours Information
Request for Casual Overnight Care
Documents and resources for children's health and wellbeing.
Exclusion Period Information Sheet
Staying Healthy - Preventing Diseases
Ensure you maintain safe practices within your home and when transporting children to and from school, kinder and for excursions. Record each and every incident in line with the relevant policy, ensure you have appropriate emergency management plan in place and minimise potential risk by running regular evacuation drills/practices and undertaking a risk assessment in conjunction with your Educational Program Coordinator.
Below you will find all relevant documentation that will assist you with your OH&S practices.
Emergency Contact List Template
Emergency Contact Numbers for Educators
Fire Orders / Escape Plan and Hotspot
Statutory Declaration (Stat Dec) Template
Excursions & Outings Risk Form
Emergency Evacuation Procedure
Emergency Response Plan_V5 Car accident
Your health, safety and wellbeing important factors to the success of your business! Here are some resources which will help you maintain a healthy and safe business.
Hubworks is an online payment system for you and your families where your payment and contact details are stored securely.
Our comprehensive guide will help you navigate the system.
We also know that deciphering invoices can sometimes be confusing - so we've developed a a quick referral sheet for you to help you understand your Hubworks invoice more easily.
Access the Hubworks! portal.
When taking scheduled or unscheduled breaks from your business (such as holidays or you become unwell) you can access relief support from our network to minimise disruption to your families during this time. Just ensure you complete the appropriate paperwork below in order to meet regulatory obligations and help provide a smooth transition for your family.
Relief Educator Induction Checklist
Find helpful information and links to assist with planning your program curriculum. If you have resoruces you want to share with other educators, let us know by emailing your Educational Program Coordinator.
Group program and reflection templates
Developmental milestones- EYLF and NQS
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia V2
Fact sheet of what’s changed under EYLF V2
To complement the existing marketing activity that we do to recruit new families for you we have developed some personalised marketing tools to help you remain at your peak utilisation rate. These are an important way to reinforce your professionalism and credibility as a business and are designed to highlight your unique service offering to potential families. To access any of our marketing services, please fill out the FDC Educator Digital Profile Form.
Before we can start you on your way to marketing success, you'll need to tell us a little about your specific situation - your experience, your motivations, passions and the way you work. Put all this information down on our personalised profile form and send back to your Educational Program Coordinator and our savvy marketing team will develop your individual profile designed to help you spread the word about your amazing and unique service offering.
Once you have returned your profile form, you will then be sent a personalised profile - this will give you specific wording that you can use across a number of different marketing channels (like facebook and online classifieds). Read our FAQ for more information.
We use your individualised wording in our 'Family Day Care Educator' search right here on our website - this means if someone is searching for an educator on our website and they like the sounds of your profile they'll be more likely to book into your service - great if know you may have a vacancy opening up! Check out your profile in our Family Day Care search bar to ensure it is up to date.
You will also receive a personalised flyer which you can send to any printer (check out vista print or officeworks for some great rates.) This flyer can be printed at A4 or A5 and distributed any way you like. Some of our educators have had success posting in the local library, coffee shop, school or community noticeboard.
If you have some time, consider doing a mailbox drop of your flyer to households located around you.
Customised and personalised printed business cards are available for you to hand out to prospective families, at a small cost. Business cards These are designed to insert into our brochures. Download your order form and email it to your Educational Program Coordinator today.
Brochures are available for you to hand out to prospective families. These include information about our Family Day Care Program which can be useful to families who may be unsure if Family Day Care is right for them. The brochures include a place to insert your Windermere approved business cards which helps to ensure that once they've made the decision to go with Family Day Care, that they will think of you first.
These promotional tools have been developed in line with Federal Government legislation which stipulates that any advertising must be done so through an approved Education and Care service provider. For more information on advertising guidelines and the Education and Care Services National law Act 2010 No. 104 please speak with your Educational Program Coordinator or visit the Victorian Government website.
Not sure which steps to take first? Download the documents below to get started and contact your Educational Program Coordinator for hints and tips on the best way to market your Family Day Care business.
Order Form t-shirt and car magnet
Personalised Business Card - Sample
Across the year, we schedule a number of training sessions, workshops and information sessions to assist you in developing, delivering and building your home-based business.
Here you'll find access to notes and presentations from previous sessions and other relevant information.
Personalised Flyer - Template to Complete
Programming and Planning Workshop
Need to speak with one of our staff about a query you may have? You can also access contact information for a number of relevant external organisations, government departments or governing bodies.
We are committed to delivering the high quality of our service to our families and support to you. Our policies provide direction to you and ensure that ours and your service delivery meets all regulatory requirements and in house standards.
Family Day Care Educator Cover
Natural Environment and Sustainability
Orientation Children and Families
Kinder School Pick Up Drop Off
Custody and Intervention Orders
Dealing with Infectious Diseases
Occupational Health and Safety
Incident Injury Trauma Accident
Understanding Childrens Behaviour
Behaviour Management Using ABC
Residents of the Family Day Care Home
Visitors to Family Day Care Residence
Information Support and Training
Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations
Assessment Approval Reassessment of Family Day Care Residences/Venues
Engagement Assessment and Approval of FDC Educators Residents and Visitors
Privacy and Confidentiality for Educator
Confidentiality and Privacy Children and Families