The following content may be disturbing for victims and survivors of violence and trauma. We encourage you to use your discretion as to whether you should continue reading. Visit here for a list of after-hours support numbers.
Elderly Ken was referred to Windermere’s Victims Assistance Program by a counselling service. At the time Ken was struggling to come to terms with a legacy of childhood abuse.
As a young teenager, due to serious illness, Ken had been admitted to hospital twice. Because his family lived in a rural location, with long travel times between the hospital and home, Ken was left isolated and without family support during his long hospital admissions. It was during these hospital stays that Ken was subjected to terrible sexual abuse. Ever since Ken has struggled to move on with his life.
Over a 12 month period VAP worker Rhonda worked with Ken to develop a submission for the National Redress Scheme for people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse. After submitting the application Ken received a letter of apology and compensation.
The formal apology and compensation meant that Ken could finally make peace with himself and that he and his wife could be comfortable in their twilight years.
Windermere offers confidential counselling and intensive homelessness support services for families and individuals experiencing sexual assault and family violence.
For more information:
Call: 1300 946 337
1800 Respect
24-hour counselling and support service for people impacted by sexual assault or family violence.
Phone 1800 737 732
** If you are concerned for your or someone else’s immediate safety call 000.**
Visit here for a range of after-hours support services here.