What is the Early Intervention Key Worker Model?

Our specialist Early Intervention (EI) service assists young children, aged 0-7 years of age, who have a disability or developmental delay to reach their full potential.

We work with you to provide a range of therapy and supports which will best assist your child’s well-being and development.

Experts in Early Childhood Development

Our EI team have extensive knowledge and experience in early childhood development. We prefer to work with your child in their natural environments as this is where children learn best, during play and learning opportunities.  Windermere uses the Key Worker model to deliver your early intervention services.

How does a Windermere Key Worker work with your family?

Your key worker is your main point of contact, supporting your child and family in areas such as communication, motor skills, feeding, and self-regulation through the early intervention key worker model supported by the NDIS. Based on your child’s needs, they liaise with speech pathologists, physiotherapists, early childhood education specialists, occupational therapists, psychologists, and dietitians to provide targeted strategies. 

Your Key Worker will work in partnership with you to:

  • Be the main point of contact with your family to provide your child’s learning and therapy needs.
  • Organise the services you receive from Windermere, including allied health and educational practitioners.
  • Help you coordinate the broader team who are supporting your child e.g. educational facilities, paediatricians and specialists.
  • Provide you with information, resources and support relevant to your needs.

What are the benefits of Windermere's Early Childhood Early Intervention Key Worker service?

  • We work in partnership with you to encourage your child’s active participation in everyday routines.
  • We help your child to learn new skills by developing meaningful goals and providing strategies that are well-planned, comprehensive and coordinated.
  • We give you a flexible, well-planned and personalised therapy experience that is responsive to your family’s specific needs.
  • We can reduce the stress you might feel and increase your confidence to meet your child's needs.
  • We can help you navigate the complex service system to identify appropriate information and support for you and your child.
  • We can give you choice and control on how to best support your child.

To access this service

We have offices at Berwick, Narre Warren, Cranbourne, Pakenham and Warragul. If you have an NDIS plan contact us on 03 8793 4267.

We also provide allied health services (Speech PathologyPsychologyOccupational Therapy and Physiotherapy) and educational consultancy which you can enquire about using the above contact details.

Enquire below or phone our main switch to speak to one of our team.

Recommended by the NDIS, the Key Worker model significantly reduces parental stress by ensuring consistency through a single point of contact, “What parents want is a single point of contact with services and an effective, trusted person to support them to get what they need.”

Need an interpreter?

We can arrange one for you at no cost. We use only professional and accredited interpreters to protect your privacy.

Confused about NDIS?

If you are unsure what the NDIS is or how you may be impacted, we may have the answers you need!  

Visit our FAQ on the NDIS

Compliments & Complaints

We like receiving feedback about our services because it helps us improve what we do.

Whether you would like to pay us a compliment or make a complaint we encourage you to tell us what's on your mind.

Feedback to Windermere